
Saturday, August 24, 2013


Today was a beautiful day to work on my own consistency. Being consistant when you are trying to get a business up and running is the best way to get people to want to look at what you are doing. If people see that you are not continuing to show what it takes to get a business up and running they are not going to want to do the same or even continue to listen to you. Everyone is on the internet on a daily basis trying to figure a way to make extra money. It takes alot to run businesses but you have people that are still doing it. You can to just keep the mindset that you can do whatever you put your mind to. Dont be willing to give up so easy. It takes time to actually be successful in this business. Sometimes people will discourage you and it will seem like you are not going to make any money. You have to drive yourself to that point where you are at your wits end and thats when everything is going to take a turn for you. You have to promote promote promote in order for people to see whatever type of business it is you are running. There are so many ways that you can promote. Flyers, classified ads, internet marketing, and the number 1 is word of mouth the more you talk to people about it the more people will be talking about it. Tell your family members to tell there friends and so on. The more marketing that you do the more you get people talking and wanting to no whats its all about. You cant let a couple of people that says no discourage you just keep on going someone will say yes. Today was a great day for me I have been on the internet just marketing my 2 businesses and I have had leads for both and that what makes you feel good cause you can say I did the work and I see results. Thats all it takes is like I said being consistant in what you do it will pay off in the end for you.

Friday, August 23, 2013


It's Friday and a beautiful day outside. Doing a lot of blogging and posting to different sites for my business. Blogging is the best way to get a lot of your feelings and passions out to the world. Your passion might be someone else's also. People need help in a whole lot of things and to get readers to your site you need to write about things people want to hear. You might think that people's not listening but if its something they are going through then they are. You have to blog daily and show people that you are consistent in what you are doing. There are a lot of social media sites that you can post your blog address. You have to post post post to drive people to it. If you don't have readers then you don't have or get business. It's about exposure. The only way people are going to no is you exposing your blog everywhere you can think of. They even have some groups just for putting your business out there. So there's no reason why your business can't succeed. Everyone have a prosperous and blessed day.

Pay pal

I advise everyone who is starting there own business whatever kind to get a paypal account and a PayPal debit MasterCard whatever money you that goes to your account goes to your card immediately. If you do direct deposit to your bank account it takes up to 3 days to get your money and we all no when you make money you want it as soon as you make it. Do the wise thing and get the card.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Online Marketing

Want to earn an unlimited $ 20 dollars into your paypal account all you need to start is $ 1 dollar yeah you heard me correctly unlimited 20 dollars instant message me on facebook, twitter for more info. Sherminita Hawkins

Starting a Blog for Business

Did you know that half of the world uses Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google and other social media sites? Whatever biz that you are in or plan on starting, you must get a BLOG to help drive your traffic to your website. If there's no Traffic....then there is no Business.


People are always going to make excuses to why they dont have, why they cant do it, why they dont need, why it is people dont care for them, why there life is not going to way it should. We as people have to sit back and think about the POWER of OUR WHY? I dont understand why everyone just dont do what they say they are going to do. If that was to happen then everyones life would be in a better place. We have to stop making excuses and just do it thats the only way its going to get done. Life is not like a box of chocolates as people say life is what we make it. If you are the type to make excuses for everything thats needed to be done in your life then you are going to be stuck in the same place all the time. You have to take chances to get results and thats where alot of people fall off they always say thats not going to work. You dont no unless you try. Im trying to stop making excuses myself so I have been going out on a limb and if it dont work it dont work but at least I no I Tried. You cant always let fear stop you. Everyone deserves to prosper in life but thats only if you want to you cant expect hand outs all the time. You have to show people that you are trying to. My main goal in life now is to make money so I can have more time to spend with my kids. Thats the only way cause working a 9 to 5 Its just not enough time in the day for them and they deserve more than that. Family time is the best time for kids to learn and grow at the same time. I hope this helps someone cause just me reading it back to myself it helped me as well. Have a prosperous and blessed day everyone.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Understanding Things

Never underestimate the power of GOD. He dont give us what we want he gives us what we need.Just trust in him and you will see. Prayer works out. I no!!!!!! He will never put more on you than you can bear.