
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Humanized Branding

Before you can take advantage of a humanized brand, and

begin to connect and join the conversation with your customer

base... Well, you have to create your humanized brand. And

how do you do that? By following these 8 simple humanizing


1. Create a Facebook Account

2. Create a Twitter Account

3. Create a Company Blog

4. Create a LinkedIn Account

5. Participate On Other Blogs/Forums

6. Create Multimedia Accounts (Youtube/Flickr)

7. Maintain Brand Consistency

8. Link Social Accounts

Social media Site Marketing

Create a Facebook fanpage and set up a profile with relevant information about your business. Add links to your list and freebies and also consider simple discounts, giveaways or coupons for your selected products when users "like" your Facebook fanpage. Get to know owners of other blogs or websites in your niche so that you can partner with them to do some cross promoting of products. You can promote their products in your mailings in exchange for promotion of your newsletter in theirs. There are also paid options where you pay a small fee to an external mailing list to send a mail shot advertising your own list. Leverage an established list to promote your own.
Bottom line, you are seriously leaving a HUGE opportunity

on the table IF you are not integrating social media into your

website and your marketing.

Your Purpose

Evening Thought! Watch This Who Will Catch This Revelation & Run! What are you waiting on to fulfill the purpose GOD has for you! You were created with gifts, talents, passions, and experiences that are unique. Your strengths are with and it is time for you to use them!


You CAN NOT succeed without taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY in all areas of your life. When you mess up, you have to OWN IT...not BLAME others in your company or in your family! If you’ve messed up, it’s time to FESS UP & make it RIGHT! Per my Mentor LENIKA SCOTT

How to Create A Product To sell

Here’s a minute-by-minute timeline of what you can expect by using this process:
  • 0:01 – Obtain a frosty beverage of choice, a paper and pen, and grab something to record your voice with. Get comfortable.
  • 0:02 - Think about the question you’re going to answer. Don’t overthink this, just think of a commonly asked question that you’re the expert about. Here’s an example: “How do I get started <in whatever you do>?”
  • 0:05 - Start the recorder and talk for 20 minutes. Sketch out a mind map or an outline as you’re talking if it helps.
  • 0:25 – Finish up that beverage. Grab another.
  • 0:26 - Listen to the recording again, but this time turn what you’re saying into a more robust outline of bullet points that you can use as a reference for delivering this talk a second time.
  • 1:00 - Take that outline and turn it into one or more simple worksheets or checklists in Word or PowerPoint or whatever you use. This is crazy easy, because all you need to do is ask leading questions that support the bullet points you just wrote down. Power through these – again, don’t overthink it. There are sample worksheets included at the end of this module in case you want to see examples of how to do this.
  • 2:30 - Grab another beverage. You deserve it.
  • 2:31 - Re-record the 20-minute audio, this time using your reference sheet to help you run through it more confidently. Again, pretend you’re just hanging out with someone, be casual, and force yourself to get it in one take (just as you would a normal conversation).
  • 3:00 - Turn your worksheets into PDFs, grab the MP3 of your recording and package it all up into a zip file. (If you have no idea what I’m talking about, St. Google of The Endless Info-stream will to show you how to do this).
  • 3:30 - Set up an account at and upload your file.
  • 4:00 - Write up a blog post giving the details of what’s covered in your mini-product (use your bulleted reference sheet as an idea guide) and include the e-junkie link. Don’t overthink this for such a simple offering – just tell them what they’ll get and where to get it. Short. Sweet. Done.
  • 4:30 – Publish the blog post, then send an email to your list with the same text that was in the post, and hop on Twitter/Facebook/Whatever to announce your new product.
  • 5:00 - Beverage. Have another. You’ve earned it.
Big products do take a lot of time, but little products don’t. And the more you dabble with little products, the easier it gets to make the big ones (and the more your audience becomes used to buying value-packed stuff from you).

Working from home

Stop limiting yourself to just getting by when you can be out living life!! Become an online entrepreneur today and earn a very lucrative income right from home!

Frame Of Mind

It is entirely possible to always adopt a positive frame of mind. This can be aided through changing our mindset, paying attention to the language that we use and standing guard over our belief systems.A positive mental attitude is a powerful prerequisite for motivating ourselves to live the lives that we so richly deserve. It is a must. A positive attitude is a prerequisite for achievement. Without it, little is possible. Marketing is both important and time-consuming. Combine batch processing and these tools to help you automate your online marketing campaigns. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that when you put procedures in place to automate your business that they will be effective and beneficial to your business. Automate your business and make your business more efficient and effective.