
Thursday, October 24, 2013


Yes, Facebook can be a powerful tool in your marketing
arsenal, and I am going to walk you step-by-step on how to setup
your Facebook account and how to get started using Facebook
successfully in your marketing.
The first step? Creating a Facebook account.
Creating a Facebook Page
There are two types of Facebook accounts:
personal and
 So, which should you create?
Well, both. Why? Check out these stats.
Small business social media accounts get on average more
comments than personal accounts. For instance, personal
accounts get on average 3.67 comments per day while business
accounts get on average 5.40 comments per day.

Brand Consistency

Nothing is worse than building a house and letting it

deteriorate due to neglect!

A house can be a wonderful place. A place where you can

raise a family, and grow old in. Or, a house can be a death trap

with a moldy and rotten foundation.

The idea with Brand Consistency is to provide housekeeping

services to your different social accounts and to your company’s


All you have to do is be active in participating in the

conversation, and to make sure that the links you provide are


You wouldn’t want to create a Youtube video, and forget to

link it back to your website... Would you? I mean, what if that

video went viral and got over 100,000 views...? That would be a

wasted video!

Sure they got to know the brand a little, but you never

linked that video to your to your website. It would be a lost


Brand consistency makes sure that this does not happen,

and that you stay active in engaging your customer base.


Company Blog

Why do you need a blog? Well, blogs are social

engagements on their own. They allow your customers to

respond and reply to your posts, and it allows you to join in on

their conversation.

Plus, there are many ways you can integrate your social

platforms into your blog... Allowing you to take advantage of

social linking, social aggregation, social publishing and social

context. Furthering your social outreach. But for now know that is the
blogging platform you should use.

Wordpress allows you to build not only a website for your

business, but it allows you to interact with your customers AND it

is very extendable.

8 Simple Steps

8 Simple Humanizing


Before you can take advantage of a humanized brand, and

begin to connect and join the conversation with your customer

base... Well, you have to create your humanized brand. And

how do you do that? By following these 8 simple humanizing


1. Create a Facebook Account

2. Create a Twitter Account

3. Create a Company Blog

4. Create a LinkedIn Account

5. Participate On Other Blogs/Forums

6. Create Multimedia Accounts (Youtube/Flickr)

7. Maintain Brand Consistency

8. Link Social Accounts

Lists Building Links to Help With Your Business

Here are some handy links that can assist your list building:
 Aweber
 Affiliate Earnings Booster
 Double Your Likes
 Popup Domination
 Safe-Swaps
 Easy Banner Creator
 Video Traffic Player
 Social Networking Academy
 Copywriting Supremacy
 Get Response
 Contest Burner
 Directory of Ezines
 Press Release Fire
 Free List Building Website
 Pre-written emails for your auto-responder

Launch Your Own Product

By launching your own product, you can promote and build a substantial list of subscribers. You can also choose to create email tutorials or launch free webinar training to help grow your list quickly. Another method is to launch a free membership website and offer resources such as guides podcasts or videos.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Do you want to send your advertisement into more groups with one click ? Its simple .. On Facebook