
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Everyone Deserves To Be Happy

Believing that you deserve happiness should be a given, but it is amazing how many people do not really believe that they deserve the happiness that life has to offer. Another thing that most people don’t realize is that they are in control of their happiness. Yes, you create your own happiness.
To be happy we must first realize that true and meaningful happiness comes from within. Sure, there are moments of fleeting happiness when something happens that brings this emotion on, such as a raise at work, our wedding day, etc. These are good reasons to be happy, but if you really stop to think about it, they are only temporary. The happiness can fade quickly unless we nurture our happiness from within.
The one thing that blocks our happiness more than anything else is the belief that we won’t achieve complete happiness because we don’t really deserve to be happy. This is more common that you would believe.
To achieve happiness, you must first believe that you deserve that happiness. Of course you may believe on the surface, but if there is even a hint of a doubt, a little voice that whispers in your ear that you simply can’t have that which you seek, then you are setting yourself up for failure.
This little doubt is the product of past negative experiences and how you perceived these experiences. Instead of treating the negative as a type of lesson to learn and grow from, you likely let the negativity cast permanent shadows on your life.
The shadow of doubt that rests over you has successfully programmed you into believing that you do not deserve happiness, therefore you feel you must simply accept whatever life throws your way. This acceptance is a sure way of self-destructing and embracing unhappiness.
So how do you change this so that you know you deserve happiness and actually give yourself a chance of achieving that happiness? The very first thing you must do is silence that inner voice of its negative whispers. When you decide that you want something that you know can make you happy, as soon as those doubts start, push them away with positive thoughts. Eventually, you will reprogram your subconscious into accepting the fact that happiness is possible and you deserve it.
Think about all the wonderful things you do have in your life. When something great does happen, give yourself a pat on the back instead of thinking it is a small miracle that it happened. Think to yourself that you knew that it would probably happen that way because you do deserve it.
The secret to happiness is allowing it to come into your life. Everyone is born with the ability to have all they could ever want out of life; it is a simple matter of knowing you can have it, believing you deserve it, and then letting it happen.

What Is Love?

What is love? Are you curious to know what love really is? Do you want to know if your significant other loves you or not? There are many different ways to define love, but there are only a few real ways to love someone. Love is very precious and cannot be taken lightly or seriously. It is something that makes us blind, deaf, mute, and many other things. Here is the true definition of what love really is.
Love is an action. When someone says. " I Love You", then turns around and acts like they could care less to be with your or around you, then they do not love you. When someone says that they just stopped loving their significant other it is not a feeling that they lost, but an action they stopped taking part in. Love is by far an action and not just a feeling. Sure there are feelings that go along with it, but love is an action.
Now that we know it is an action we need to go a little further to get to the true meaning of love. Let us start by looking at the very popular 50/50 relationship. This means that each partner is suppose to give 50% to the relationship. This is a bad way to measure any relationship because if all you give is 50%, then you are only giving half of yourself. Love is a 100/100 relationship.
This is a relationship where both partners are willing to give 100% of themselves no matter what. If you truly do love someone, then you should not think about whether you are on the giving end or the taking end, but you should be willing to give, give, give, and then give some more. This is the only way that a relationship can truly work and be a loving relationship.
Now love is also forgiving and understanding of the fact that we are all humans and we do make mistakes. There are many imperfections in a loving relationship, but the difference is that those imperfections are understood, accepted, and forgiven when they cause hurt. This is a true sign of a loving relationship and forgiveness is one of the deepest forms of love that can be expressed.

Being Heart Broken

Breakups hurt, but losing someone who doesn't respect and appreciate you is actually a gain, not a loss.Be strong enough to let go and patient enough to wait for what you deserve.A big part of heartbreak is about the other person (who broke your heart). But sometimes you play a part in your own heartbreak. For instance, by accepting less than you deserve. The other big part of heartbreak is about you. Your unhealed wounds from the past. Your vulnerabilities. Your costly mistakes. Your dysfunctional beliefs about yourself that you’ve picked up along the way. Your lack of self-love and confidence. Heartbreak is a very personal thing. Your heart has a history. When it’s broken, you have the chance to understand that history. So that ultimately, you can better protect your heart. And learn how to let go. Because in every single moment for the rest of your life  something could happen that shatters your heart to pieces. Be brave. Accept that. It means you’re human and you dare to live and love which means risking getting hurt. Each time you take heartbreak as an opportunity to heal and get to know your past you create a new and brighter identity for yourself. You create a better future. You have more options to choose from.

Others Success

Don’t be so satisfied with the success stories of others and how things have gone for them that you forget to write your own. Unfold your own tale and bring it to life. You have everything you need to become what you are capable of becoming. Incredible change happens when you decide to take control. This means consuming less and creating more. It means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and deciding for you. It means learning to respect and use your own ideas and instincts to write your passage.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Give Yourself A Break

Give yourself a break. Stop beating yourself up! Everyone makes mistakes, has setbacks and failures. You don't come with a book on how to get it right all the time. You will fail sometimes, not because you planned to, but simply because you're human. Failure is a part of creating a great life. Stand up to it and handle it with grace. Because, you can.

Take ownership for where you are. Move forward with a spirit of optimism and positive expectation that you will get through w...hatever you are facing. It's possible to remain joyful, grateful and compassionate, even in the face of your worst mistake. Learn the lesson, and then resolve to grow from it. This situation is a teacher which allowed you to gain the knowledge of who you need to be in order to create who you can become. You have more to give, more to learn and more to share. Your best is yet to come! You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Husband Talks Badly About Me To His Exes

My Husband Talks Badly About Me To His Exes

Who You Are

We are NOT Human Beings, having a Spiritual Experience....
We are Spirit Beings, having a Human Experience....
 I am who I am, because I was pre-destined to be who I am...
You are who you are, because you were born to fulfill the destiny that is driven from your vision!...
 I spent last night with 11 powerful individuals who desired to figure this HUMAN Experience out...
When it was all said and done, they came face to face with the fact that they are on this earth on assignment, and that you can not play yourself small and resist your destiny simply because others don't understand...
Fulfill your Greatness by operating in your gifts.. and abandon the concern for wanting others to validate your destiny!