
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Taking Care Of Business

 How many times do people receive advice to drop five pounds, stop smoking, exercise thirty minutes each day, or lay off the fried foods? Sometimes this advice is suggested as a preventive measure. Other times, it’s given to someone rehabilitating from a serious illness. Why take the chance? If you don’t listen to the experts’ advice, there may be more hire consequences down the road. Don’t wait till it’s too late to heed the warning. Take care of business (it’s your life) and be around to enjoy the payoff.

Living Life On The Edge

If you are NOT living life on the edge then you are taking up to much space!!! Some people live life on the edge every day and love every minute of it. They get a rush by taking on seemingly insurmountable challenges and beating the odds, while others roll the dice with their finances, pursuing an insatiable, shark-like hunger for material wealth. Still others place bets on their personal invincibility by ignoring health warnings linked to their own bad habits. If this sounds like your modus operandi, any way you look at it, you may be betting your life as you know it.
Engaging in risky behavior is no different from gambling. Whether you bet the ranch on a get-rich-quick scheme, buy too much stuff on credit, or ignore your doctor’s warnings –– the result is the same –– a willingness to risk it all.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Something fo the ladies questions and answers

Outside of blowing your back out and sweating out your curls in bed, ladies, what can your lover do for you that makes you feel sexy? In my case, I love for my man to wash my hair. I find that to be extremely sensual.

Washington State Passed 2 new Laws


For those who haven't heard, Washington State just passed...

both laws - legalized gay marriage and legalized marijuana.

The fact that gay marriage and marijuana were legalized

on the same day makes perfect biblical sense,

because Leviticus 20:13 says:

"If a man lies with another man they should be stoned."

We just hadn't interpreted it correctly before.

A Good Night Prayer

Father, many times Scripture that speaks of waiting on You is followed by the directive of being courageous. Indeed it does take courage for me to trust You and not take matters into my own hands since that comes so naturally to my way of thinking and doing things. But as a loving, protecting and omnipotent Father You tenderly care for me as I commit my concerns to You. My unbelief and impatience leads to fearsome worry and unwise behavior. Getting ahead of Your divine plan and perfect timing only leads to more frustration and difficulty. Help me to remember that waiting coupled with prayer brings about growing courage and dependence on You rather than myself. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.


God is undeniably amazing, He creates us with such gift's, such purpose, we humanly bound unable to begin to understand, often feel unworthy, Unable, incapable, yet.. believers. Believe this! our time is limited, confined to matters we do not control, we are temporary and expendable- yet purposeful! Claim such a virtue, such a privilege, and stand up to deceit, to lies, and confusion, and hold on to what is undeniably true! we as children of God, are special, by God chosen, given talents from above, needed by this world to finally see what we believe, We are merely instruments of faith, love, grace, and mercy. Let us believe, He is within us, and hunger for everyone to know it, after that, all we have to do is eat.

Gods Wil

Just because something is for you in one season it doesn't mean it is for you in the next... Knowing when to shift is soooo important!!!! You don’t have to live in bondage to anything any longer! God’s arm of deliverance is outstretched toward you. He is setting you free from every bondage so that you can live the life of victory He has in store for you!