
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Using A Linked In Account

Linked In is a social resume. It allows you to control your

professional identity online.

What happens if you go to Google and try to google

yourself? Would a mirage of John Doe’s pop up? Or would it be

the John Doe you are searching for?

With Linked In, when you search for your name on Google...

Most of the time you will get your Linked In account as one of the

first few listings. This is good. Why? Now you can control what

people see when they search for your name or your company's


And it’s easy to create the

account. Simply go to

and fill out the

sign-up form.

Then, edit all the required

information about yourself and your


Just think of it as an

extension of your business card.

Branding yourself My Work Samples



Sunday, February 9, 2014

Its Sunday

Always give God some of your time. You can do that wherever you are. Talk to him daily. He answers all your prayers. Some people think you can only serve God at church but I was taught that that's not so. Don't get me wrong it's good to go to church but sometimes that's not possible. You can have church at your house. As long as you have God in your heart you have God. 

Your Attitude

An Optimist
